Javascript - The ultimate language of Web Development.


JavaScript (abbreviated as JS) is a versatile and powerful programming language of the web. It is used in almost every website present on the internet. It is used to develop dynamic and interactive web application. JavaScript empowers developers to create rich and engaging user experiences on the web.

What exactly is JavaScript?

JavaScript is a full fledged, high level interpreted programming language used to make interactive dynamic web pages. It is capable of performing wide range of tasks. People often confuse with Java and JavaScript thinking both are same. But it's not. They both are totally different languages.

Key features of JavaScript.
  • Dynamic typed -  JavaScript is a dynamic typed language. That means the variables can hold any type of data, based on the value assigned to it.
  • Light-Weight and Interpreted - JavaScript is a light-weight language as it has no compilation step. The interpreter in the browser directly interprets each line and runs it. Because of its light-weight feature, JavaScript can be run on low end devices as well.
  • Event Handling - Events are actions performed by user on a web page. JavaScript allows developers to define event handlers that can detect events such as mouse click, keyboard input etc. These event handlers can be used to respond to user actions and perform client side validations like form submission.
  • Asynchronous Programming - JavaScript can execute tasks concurrently without blocking the execution of other code. This becomes very useful when fetching lot of data from server that is taking time without freezing the web page.
  • Platform Independent - Since the JavaScript code is run by browser, It can run on any platform like Windows, Macintosh etc 
There are many more feature of JavaScript. Above are some of the important features that describe the language.


JavaScript ecosystem is vast. Whether you want to build a client side web application, server side application mobile app, you can use JavaScript. There are number of frameworks that are designed from JavaScript. Some of the popular frameworks are.
  • Vue Js - Developed by Evan You, Vue js is a progressive open source JavaScript framework popular for building SPA(Single Page Applications).
  • React - A JavaScript library for build user interface developed by Facebook.
  • Angular - Developed by Google, Angular is comprehensive JavaScript library created for developing robust web applications.
  • Node Js - A popular JavaScript library allows developers to run Javascript code on server side. 

A Simple Program.

A JavaScript code can be inserted into HTML code anywhere using script tag. The code in the script tag is automatically processed by browser.



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